Soul Circling Joanna Leigh Osmond

Find Your True.

... Not often,
but now and again there’s a moment
when the heart cries aloud:
yes, I am willing to be
that wild darkness,
that long, blue body of light.
— Mary Oliver (excerpt from Whelks)

“And the day came when the risk it took to stay tight in a bud was greater than the risk it took to blossom.”

—anais nin

  • Somatic Psychotherapy and Expressive Arts

    You may come with grief, trauma history, chronic pain, anxiety and depression, struggling relationship connections, substance use, body issues, and lack of clarity in life transitions. We work together to help you release stuck patterns, integrate soul lessons, gain empowered confidence, and create more ease and joy in your life. In-person office in Boone , NC or virtual. Accepts multiple insurances.

  • Soul Circling: Energy Healing

    You are your own healer. This work helps you heal physical pain and disease, recover from surgery and illness, release held energy and emotional issues, and realign patterns of the mind-body-spirit. Joanna has over 25 years of practice and training. In person and long distance healing sessions offered.

  • Joanna Leigh Osmond, LCSW

    Somatic Psychotherapy and Expressive Arts Therapist, Energy Healer

“Working with Joanna helped me release grief that I was holding onto and find a deeper connection within myself. She has both compassion and insight- I highly recommend working with her.”

—Soul Circling Healing, female client, age 32

“ For over three years I saw Joanna during a very challenging time. Her amazing gifts helped me embrace mine…I especially loved how she uses her skills in empathy and intuitive healing to get to where i was really stuck. She is flexible, and we focused on multiple different areas that came up including my ongoing chronic pain. I found a new healthier relationship, but also found a way to understand my deeper needs for connection to my higher self, and first found then learned to trust my own intuition.”

— ongoing soul circling therapy, female client age 57

“You helped me understand that I’m not an outsider or weird or too much or too “out there” and that I can be a leader in my field.”

—ongoing Soul Circling therapy, female client age 25

”…Never-ending, long-lasting depression lifted so quickly, my psychiatrist wanted to know more about you!”

—Soul Circling Psychotherapy, female client, age 45

“I am writing to share how much working with Joanna Leigh Osmond in her healing sessions helped me recover from a very serious illness, and how she was a trusted guide along the way. I came to know that I am not alone in my journey.”

—Soul Circling healing, female age 68